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Our annual seminar is designed to empower managers with knowledge on trending occupational health issues. Expert speakers provide insights on the application of the hierarchy of controls, enabling evidence-based decision-making…


Dust exposure in mining, often containing silica, can lead to lung diseases. Our spirometry services help identify high-risk employees early, allowing for their removal from harmful environments and preventing the…


Noise is a common hazard in mining operations. Our hearing conservation program is designed to preserve the hearing of employees exposed to high noise levels. We provide:


At the end of an employee’s tenure, exit medical assessments are conducted to determine their health status. This not only ensures the employee’s well-being but also protects employers against potential…


Regular health monitoring is essential in high-risk industries like mining. Periodic medical assessments are conducted every six or twelve months, guided by the OREP and surveillance matrix. These assessments allow…


Mining environments present various risks, including vibration, radiation, working at heights, and exposure to heavy machinery. To ensure safety, it’s crucial for employers to hire a healthy workforce. At Agri…

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