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Occupational Health & Safety Services for Namibia

Welcome to Agri Occ, your trusted partner in promoting Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) within the agricultural sector in Namibia.

At Agri Occ, we understand the unique challenges faced by farmworkers, and we are dedicated to ensuring their well-being through comprehensive OHS services.


Agri Occ is on a mission to empower Namibian farmworkers by providing unparalleled Occupational Health and Safety services.


Our vision is to be the forefront provider of Occupational Health and Safety services, setting the standard for excellence in the Namibian agricultural sector.


Agri Occ is guided by a philosophy centered on the belief that every farmworker and general workers deserves a safe and healthy workplace.
What We Do


At Agri Occ, our commitment to the well-being of Namibian farmworkers and general workers is reflected in our comprehensive range of specialized Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) services.

As the custodians of safety in the agricultural sector, we recognize the diverse challenges faced by those who toil in the fields, and our services are meticulously crafted to address these unique needs


Healthy employees = Productive employees


Why Choose us

At AgriOcc, we understand that selecting the right partner for your Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) needs is crucial to the success and well-being of your farmworkers.

Here are compelling reasons why Agri Occ stands out as the preferred choice in Namibia’s agricultural and industrial sector.

01. Specialized Expertise
02.Holistic Approach
03.Client-centric Solutions
04.Compliance Assurance